Awana Clubs

AWANA = Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed / 2 Timothy 2:15

Awana Clubs begin Wednesday, September 11th; 6:30-8:30 PM

Awana Clubs meet Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:15 PM

Our Awana Clubs are for children in Kindergarten—Sixth grade.

Click here for online Awana registration.

Information Letter & Printable REgistration Form

Awana Clubs Information Brochure

2024-2025 Awana Calendar

GAME TIME — Every Awana meeting starts off in high gear, with team and individual competition. Dozens of organized games get everyone’s participation, unleashing natural energy and enthusiasm. You may have

noticed the four colored square and circle in our Fellowship Hall. This is used for the Awana games.

HANDBOOK TIME — Using achievement oriented learning segments. Awana training emphasizes the importance of God’s Word for sound living. Clubbers progress through handbooks written for their age, working individually and together with their leaders.

COUNCIL TIME — This is a general session for everyone. It’s a quality time for group Bible study, followed by awards and recognition for individual handbook progress and for points scored in team play.

The Awana Grand Prix is a highlight of our club year.  Children may participate by purchasing a car from our club.  We hold two workshop during which parents and Awana Staff help the children design and build their cars.  Trophies are awarded for best in design and speed in various age groups.  

COVID-19 -- Parents, it is your decision if you want your child to wear a mask.  We have masks available.

Awana Staff Resources

Awana Basics Training

Awana Missionaries Gary & Sharon Goodrow

Awana® and the Awana logo are registered trademarks and service marks of Awana Clubs International. Used by permission.

Awana Directors

Alissa Locke & Holly Estep are our Awana Directors.

Alissa leads the Sparks Club.

Holly Estep leads the T&T Club.