adult ministries

  • Bible study classes

    Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount that people who build their lives upon the principles which He taught will be able to withstand the storms of life that come into our lives (Matthew 7:24-37).

    It is for this reason that we have Bible classes for all ages on Sunday morning beginning at 9:45 a.m. 

    We have four adult Bible study classes: a men's Bible study class, a women's Bible study class, a younger adult Bible study class, and a senior adult Bible study class.

    The children begin their session with singing songs to and about the Lord Jesus Christ. A nursery is available for infants.

  • The unofidelis class

    The UnoFidelis Class (One Faith) is our ministry to senior saints.

    The class meets on Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. via ZOOM during the Bible Study Hour.  

    Ralph Hanby teaches the Bible lesson Sunday mornings.


    Ministries supported by the UnoFidelis Class:

    Military Evangelism Inc., Jacksonville, NC

    Prison Outreach of Delaware

  • fruitful & flourishing widows

    Bonnie Thompson leads a ministry to the widows of our church family.  They meet together twice a month, usually on the second & fourth Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. to study God's Word, fellowship and encourage each other.  


    Friday Nights at 7:00 - 9:00 PM 

    Breaking the Chains of Addiction

    We are here to help.

    Find Individual & Family Support.

    RU is a faith-based recovery program designed to help those struggling with stubborn habits and addictions.  Join the thousands around the world who are "breaking the chains" of addiction today.